b'4 5We are on several public sector frameworksWe are approved suppliers on several public sector frameworks and are experienced in public sector bidding. Debt Resolution Services Digital Outcomes and Specialists G-CloudWithin the public sector, ArumArum is a supplier on CrownArum has joined the Digital OutcomesArum is a supplier on G-Cloud, aims to build better outcomesCommercial Services (CCS) Debtand Specialists 5 Framework, run bythe UK Government procurement for citizens by improving theResolution Services (DRS) framework.Crown Commercial Services (CCS).framework for public sector bodies. collection of local and centralWe have been awarded a contractThis framework enables centralThis framework eases procurement government revenues that fundto provide Fraud, Error and Debtgovernment and wider public sectorof services by UK public sector public services. The majority(FED) Advisory services to centralto select pre-approved suppliers todepartments by ensuring that all of Arums team of expertsgovernment and the wider publictender for projects specifically in thesuppliers have met the rigorous also started their careers insector.digital space. standards. Public sector organisations government and financialprocuring from companies, who have services roles. This landmark framework will providesuccessfully met the criteria set by the access to the best solutions andCrown Commercial Service, are in turn suppliers from the private sector,given that extra confidence.delivering value for money for the UK taxpayer, ensuring fair outcomes for consumers and departments alike, and driving strong social value.Sustainable and Effective Debt Management for Government'